Mujeres Artistas y el Maiz (MAMAZ) is a non-profit women’s art collective headquatered in Oaxaca, Mexico. Its members span across Mexico, United States and Canada and includes artists, curators, cultural promoters, chefs, craftswomen, writers, and scientists.    (Version en Espan᷉ol)

La Unión de Científicos Comprometidos con la Sociedad (UCCS) es una organización no lucrativa conformada por iniciativa de un amplio grupo de científicos de campos diversos como las ciencias naturales, sociales y las humanidades, dispuestos a asumir su responsabilidad ética frente a la sociedad y el ambiente. Su objetivo es auspiciar la discusión libre y abierta sobre el papel de la ciencia en México, sus políticas, proyectos y líneas de investigación.

The Union of Concerned Scientists to Society (UCCS) is a nonprofit organization formed by the initiative of a large group of scientists from various fields such as natural sciences, and humanities, ready to assume their ethical responsibility to society and environment. Its objective is to sponsor free and open discussion on the role of science in Mexico, its policies, projects and research lines.

You may go directly to a large collection of articles related to Maize (some in English) sponsored by the above site by clicking here.

Native Seeds/SEARCH conserves, distributes and documents the adapted and diverse varieties of agricultural seeds, their wild relatives and the role these seeds play in cultures of the American Southwest and northwest Mexico. They promote the use of these ancient crops and their wild relatives by gathering, safeguarding, and distributing their seeds to farming and gardening communities. They also work to preserve knowledge about their uses.