Our Goal
To become a model for other animal sanctuary non-profits in the areas of rescue, sanctuary, animal care, business and education. To create viable financially stable programs and services that will aid in sustaining the non-profit.
Our Philosophy
Animals are all too often victimized by humans, creating a need for sanctuaries around the world to come to their aid. No single person, group or organization can fix any one problem. Together, small groups of people can make a large difference. We know we can’t change the world on our own, but perhaps we can by changing the minds of a few people over time.
Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary Overview
Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary is dedicated to providing permanent sanctuary to captive-bred wolves and wolf-dogs. We provide education to the public about wolves in the wild, the complexities of wolf-dog ownership, and the responsible care of all animals. Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary has been incorporated since 1994, receiving its 501 (c) 3 IRS status in 1995. We are now recognized as one of the most experienced sanctuaries for wolves and wolf-dogs in the country.
Licensed as an exhibitor by the USDA since 1995, Wild Spirit currently houses 60+ animals from across the United States. All of our rescues are kept in compatible pairs or groups of three in large enclosures with shelters and ponds in a natural environment. Abused animals are nursed back to physical and mental health. All animals are spayed or neutered and receive annual inoculations. Wild Spirit currently cannot take any more animals due to lack of space. Funding comes through grants, private donations, membership drives, animal sponsorships, public appearances, lectures and various fund-raisers.
At the heart of Wild Spirit is a corps of dedicated men and women who devote their time in the day to day caring for our rescues and working on the numerous projects around the Sanctuary.
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