


     Biomimicry is both a very ancient science and one so new few have heard of it. The word comes from a combination of bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate. It is the study of how nature has, through evolution and adaptation, solved design problems and how these solutions may then used to solve human problems. Biological sciences writer Janine M. Benyus calls it "innovation inspired by nature."

      Nature has had the luxury of nearly four billion years of experimentation. We can readily see the results. The record of failures is well written in the fossils. On the other hand, design successes are all around us. The present contains a vast blueprint of nature's engineering solutions to the needs of our everyday lives.

      One of the most important benefits of emulating nature's engineering solutions is that doing so is the most certain path to sustainability. We are now beginning to realize that the incessant burning of fossil fuels will end in disaster for person and planet. Within the already proven designs of nature are the alternatives to this unfolding disaster.

     Everyone who cares about the environment and is seeking solutions to our problems should be encouraged to read Janine Benyus.

Janine M Benyus, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, Harper Collins Publishers Inc, New York, NY, 1997





   Here are two great sources for learning more about biomimicry:

The Biomimcry Guild The Biomimicry Guild maintains a very informative web site. Following is their self-description. "The Biomimicry Guild helps communities and companies consult nature to create products, processes, and policies that are well-adapted to life on earth over the long haul. These "biologists at the design table" offer research services, workshops, and really cool talks about the genius that surrounds us."


Bioneers "Bioneers is a forum for connecting the environment, health, social justice, and spirit within a broad progressive framework."




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